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Time for a Good Goodie Bag

They're like little treasure chests filled with surprises and excitement. But as parents we also know that the tiny things might keep the kids occupied for a hot minute, but then they're forgotten and tossed aside. 

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Cutting down Food Waste - 10 tips for a Greener Kitchen

Approximately 40% of the food produced ends up wasted and there are multiple reasons at multiple steps in the food journey right from farms to our plates. It's a sobering reality, especially when we consider that many people live in food insecurity. Here are ten tips to help you store your food and increase its shelf life, thereby reducing waste in your kitchen!

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8 Eco-Friendly Ideas to Enjoy Fall Weather 🍁

Fall is almost here! Temperatures have started lowering, cooler winds have started blowing, and we are ready to welcome the golden sunlight, vibrant leaves, crisp fresh air, sweater season and of course the pumpkin treats!  We tried to put together few of the ways to enjoy this beautiful weather while still treading lightly on the planet. 1) Apple and Pumpkin Picking: This is the first one that comes to our mind when we think of fall. It's not just a fun activity to do but you also bring yummy produce straight from the farm! Do check out your local farms in the area for Apple picking and Pumpkin picking and may be even hayrides! Bonus - Many local farms sell...

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